Chest of drawers grey wood and black steel


Chest of drawers with a modern design with grey MDF wooden structure and original black epoxy painted stainless steel legs. It has a large storage space with 3 drawers with tongue and groove handle opening system and soft-closing.

Not Available For Sale

    Če želite oddati naročilo, se prijavite na naše spletno mesto z e-pošto in geslom. Še nimate računa na našem spletnem mestu? Prijavite se in odkrijte vso našo ponudbo!

    Chest of drawers grey wood and black steel model 7020 Angel Cerdá S.L.

    Chest of drawers with a modern design with grey MDF wooden structure and original black epoxy painted stainless steel legs. It has a large storage space with 3 drawers with tongue and groove handle opening system and soft-closing.

    Product measurements: 80 x 45 x 80 cm.

    - The grey lacquered finish of this chest of drawers will create a greater sense of light and warmth at the same time.

    - True to the latest trends in decoration, thanks to its black steel legs, it will create an atmosphere with character, personality and modern design.

    - Versatile and functional, its design allows it to fit into any environment, making it a key element in the decoration of your home.

    - Practical and functional, thanks to its storage space you can keep everything in its place, eliminating visual noise in your bedroom.

    Looking for the perfect designer furniture for your bedroom? If what you need is high quality and practical furniture to furnish your sleeping area, in our catalogue you will find the best selection of bedside tables, chests of drawers, chiffoniers or bedside tables to add a unique, different and original touch to your home. With different finishes and shapes, our bedroom furniture is perfect to have more storage space, while decorating your home with pieces made of the highest quality materials.

    - Product dimensions:

    - Measurements: 80 x 45 x 80 cm.

    - Volume: 0,53 m3.

    - Net unit weight: 38 Kg.

    - Gross unit weight: 42 Kg.

    - Other measurements:

    - Height of legs: 20 cm.

    - Measurements packaging:

    - Number of packages: 2

    - Measurement and weight of the packages:

    Package 1: 84 x 49 x 20 cm. / 25 Kg.

    Package 2: 87 x 52 x 74 cm. / 17 Kg.

    - Form: Rectangular

    - Finished back: No

    - Includes storage space: Yes

    - Includes drawers: Yes, 3

    - Drawer opening system: Pull tab

    - Drawer closing system: Soft-closing

    - Drawer opening slide mechanism: Metal pull-out

    - Includes doors: No

    - Includes shelves: No

    - Includes storage recesses: No

    - Includes handles: Yes

    - Includes lighting: No

    - Includes casters: No

    - Frame material: Grey lacquered MDF wood

    - Finish material: Grey lacquered MDF wood

    - Leg material: Black epoxy painted stainless steel

    - Material of handles: Black epoxy painted stainless steel

    - Interior material of drawers: 0.5 mm thick natural walnut veneered wood


    Vse naše pohištvo je opremljeno s preprostimi in praktičnimi navodili za sestavljanje. Vse naše pohištvo ima potrebno okovje, vključno s potrebnim orodjem, če je potrebno, za preprosto sestavljanje ali dokončanje izdelka. Če imate pri sestavljanju novega kosa pohištva kakršne koli dvome, se obrnite na nas in odgovorili vam bomo na vsa vprašanja. Pri razpakiranju ne uporabljajte ostrih elementov ali elementov, ki bi lahko poškodovali izdelek v notranjosti. Originalno embalažo hranite še nekaj dni za primer vračila ali vračila denarja, prav tako pa tudi vso dokumentacijo in pripomočke za montažo, ki jih najdete v embalaži

    Splošna priporočila

    Pohištvo samo za domačo uporabo. Ne izpostavljajte vremenskim vplivom. Ne postavljajte v bližino neposrednih virov toplote. Hranite pred neposredno sončno svetlobo. Ne uporabljajte abrazivnih izdelkov, kot so aceton, belilo, belilna sredstva, topila itd. Ostri elementi lahko opraskajo površino izdelka

    Navodila za vzdrževanje

    Za čiščenje uporabljajte le mehko krpo ali vpojen papir, rahlo navlažen z nevtralno milno raztopino. Za odstranjevanje prahu raje uporabljajte neabrazivna orodja ali orodja, ki ne opraskajo površine. Oblazinjeno pohištvo po možnosti čistite na suho. Pri čiščenju usnja ali usnjenega oblazinjenja ne uporabljajte izdelkov, ki bi lahko bili abrazivni do usnja. Občasno vlažite, da se izognete izsušitvi in razpokam v usnju zaradi poteka časa.


    3 leti garancije. 14 dni garancije za vračilo denarja od prejema naročila. * (Glej splošne pogoje)

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